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Child, Baby and Mommy Massage 

菊黃色的 "C" 代太陽和月亮的光亮, 時時刻刻滋養著充滿活力的幼童們, 因為世界的未來將以它們為主角

Yellow is the color of sun and moon. It means devoting all energies to love babies 24 hours every day.


粉紅色的 "B" 象徵充滿關愛與溫情的父母, 以按摩表達願意為寶貝付出全心的關愛 

Pink is a color used as parents. It means love, caring and nuturer.


綠色的 "M" 一如春天的新芽般,  只要細心的呵護與照顧, 就能欣欣向榮

Green,a color of Spring, fulls of hopes. Baby massage can bring babys a beautuful life. 

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我們希望經由我們的努力, 能有越來越多的父母們願意參與為寶寶按摩的行列, 讓寶寶們都有機會感受到父母最直接的愛


We hope there will be more and more parents being willing to massage their babies. 




我們提供一個良好的平台, 結合所有有同樣信念的專業嬰幼兒按摩講師們, 一起為推廣嬰幼兒按摩而努力


On this  platforem, all certified instructors with the same believe can work together to promote the baby massage.



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