DEC / 12月
NUTURER「新新寶母」是一個以「人初千日」(First 1000 days)為核心的教育保育發展平台,「寶母」是指我們所心愛的寶貝與他們的照護者,所以不論是父母、保母、醫護人員或是幼教老師,都是我們心目中的「寶母」。希望這樣的一個平台能為所有的寶寶,創造最大的幸福與快樂!

「人初千日」覺醒 1st 1000 day awareness
【人初千日】指的是從一個胚胎受胎開始, 往後推算1000天的日子, 這個大約三年的日子, 是人類一生當中最重要的生命階段, 但也是最脆弱的生命階段。在這個1000天當中所發生的所有「戲劇化」發展方面的變化, 是在其他生命階段永遠不可能重新來過的。這一些在此階段發生的驚人發展, 包含了:肢體發展、社會情緒發展、認知發展、語言發展、神經發展…等許多領域的發展。要確保所有寶寶都擁有最好的生命開端, 要保護他們發展全方位潛能的機會, 再沒有什麼比促進【人初千日】覺醒更重要的事情了。
The onset of【the 1st 1000 days】is the successful conception of a baby, and it lasts for 1000 days, proximately 3 years. It is the most essential life stage of a human being, but also the most fragile life stage of a human being. All dramatic developmental changes happened within this period can never reappear again in later years. These development changes include physical development, social emotional development, cognitive development, language development, neurological development, and many other developmental fields. To ensure all babies have the best start to life, and to protect their opportunities to reach full potential, nothing is more important to promote the【the 1st 1000 days】awareness.
1st 1000 day awareness around the globe
在聯合國, 【人初千日】計畫已經在全球各國執行, 包含世界衛生組織(WHO), 聯合國兒童基金(UNICEF)都是這個計畫的一環。聯合國【人初千日】的主要目標, 是要確保所有的兒童, 尤其是開發中國家, 或是處於貧窮線以下的兒童們, 都能在這【人初千日】關鍵之窗, 獲得妥當的營養。無疑的, 這是一個很棒的計畫, 但是, 【人初千日】的兒童所需要的, 不單單只是基本的適當營養, 他們同時需要身體和心靈的滋養性照顧。我們需要更完整全方位的覺醒程度。「新新寶母」NUTURER, 一個從台灣出發的全球性機構, 是目前全球第一個推廣這種全方位【人初千日】覺醒的機構。
In the United Nation, 1000 day projects is actively taking place around the globe, with the joint support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Funds (UNICEF). The major aim of these global projects is to ensure all children; especially those who are at developing countries and who are under the poverty line have proper nutrition in the 1st 1000-day window. This is no doubt a great global project. However, what children need in this 1000-day is much more than the “basic” proper nutrition, they need all nurturing care for both body and mind. We need more complete awareness. NUTURER, a global institute based on Taiwan is the 1st institute around the world in promoting this full awareness.
The children’s huger and poverty in the middle class families
多數發展學家都同意, 貧窮與饑荒是兩項兒童福利的重大風險因素, 這就是為何有這麼多全球性的組織, 包括UN, WHO, UNCIEF等, 都如此致力於支持遭受社經地位弱勢所苦的兒童, 然而, 比對社經地位的貧窮與軀體的饑荒顯而易見, 「愛」的貧窮饑荒卻是「隱形」的存在著, 並且可能會讓多數人大吃一驚的是, 這種「愛」的貧窮饑荒, 在中產家庭的兒童當中相當普遍。中產家庭的家長, 總是習慣為孩子安排了各種「計畫」, 但是不幸地, 他們的孩子不見得也同意這些「計畫」, 特別是當他們處於【人初千日】的階段。【人初千日】階段的孩子, 需要的是愛、陪伴、與尊重, 不是完美的計畫。這並不是說中產階級家庭的家長不愛孩子, 但是表示他們需要更多的覺醒來選擇愛的方法, 特別是在【人初千日】的階段。
All would agree that both poverty and hunger are main risk factors for children’s welfare. That’s why many global organizations, including the UN, the WHO, the UNICEF, and so on worked hard to support children suffering social economic status minority. However, while the SES poverty and physical huger are easier to be seen, the hunger and poverty for love is often invisible. Surprisingly to many people, this hunger and poverty for love is very common in the middle class family children. Parents in the middle class family always have all sorts of “plan” for their children, but unfortunately, their children don’t always agree with their plans, especially when they are in the 1st 1000 day window. What children within this 1000 day needs is love , accompany, and respect, rather than a perfect plan. This is NOT to say that parents in the middle class families do not love their children, but to say that they need more awareness in loving their little ones especially in the 1st 1000 days.
The knowledge and solutions for the 1st 1000 day awareness
我們都同意, 中產階級家庭是社會安定的重要力量。讓中產階級家庭兒童能正向發展是我們刻不容緩的第一步, 要滋養孩子們, 關鍵角色包含了圍繞著這些孩子的家長、老師、托育人員、醫護人員、和整個社會。要提高這些人的覺醒, 我們需要發展各種【人初千日】的知識與工具。自從2003年起, 新新寶母NUTURER機構已經發展出了「CBM 母嬰按摩課程」、「CBM 孕產按摩課程」、「BSS寶寶音樂手語課程」、「DS寶寶動能知覺瑜珈課程」、「IAF寶寶親水游泳課程」、「NBF寶寶天然副食品課程」, 並持續發展中。所有這些課程都正對中產階級家庭的脾胃, 充滿吸引力, 也因此, 課程當中所傳遞的知識與價值, 能潛移默化地達成【人初千日】更多覺醒, 也創造更多幸福感。
We all agree that the middle class families are stabilizing anchor forces for a society. To flourish children’s development in the middle class families is an important step needs to be taken immediately. The key roles in nurturing children in these families are all adults who are with the children, including parents, teachers, nannies, medical professionals, and the whole society. To awake them, we need develop knowledge and solutions for the 1st 1000 day awareness. Since the year of 2003, the knowledge and solutions developed by the NUTURER institute include 「CBM baby/mommy massage program」, 「CBM pre to postnatal massage program」, 「BSS baby sign ‘n’ Sing program」, 「DS dynamic sensory baby yoga program」, 「IAF Infant aquatic facilitator program」, 「NBF natural baby food program」 and more programs are developing. All these programs are just attractive and appealing for middle class families, and with the knowledge conveyed in these programs, the 1st 1000 day awareness can be reached and more happiness can be created in the families.